The length of the reverberation (غنة) or have long (مد)
Dikutif from Tuhfatul Atfal the book:
The length of the reverberation (غنة) or have long (مد) because there is a long letter (مد) in reading the letter hijaiyah that integrates with other letters, measure to harokat (Amended) by:
1. One Harokat: namely; move the index finger of our hands one time, with no quick or slow motion (the center), from the start that the index moved upwards / kepinggir and back again in its original place.
2. Two Harokat: namely; Measure index geraka our hands twice, not quickly or slowly (Sigar middle). way like no 1 (one) only two times the motion.
Such as:
-Hum (غنة) in Idgom (إدغم) (من يعمل, من نطفة, من من, من ولي), Iklab (إقلاب) (من بعد), Ikhfa (إخفاء) and Gunnah Musyadad (غنة مشدد).
-Length (مد) when they met in a letter mad Mad Mad Thobi'i and Badal,
3. Three Harokat: namely; Measure index geraka our hands three times, not quickly or slowly (Sigar middle). way like no 1 (one) only three times the motion.
Like when I read in Mad Zaiz Munfasil allowed but not required to say so because it allowed two harokat, harokat three, four and five harokat harokat.
4. Four Harokat: namely; Measure index geraka our hands four times, not quickly or slowly (Sigar middle). way like no 1 (one) only four times the motion.
like no 1 (one) only four times the motion.
Like when I read in Mad Zaiz Munfasil (مد جائز منفصل) why is said to be allowed but not required because the two harokat, harokat three, four and five harokat harokat.
5. Five Harokat: namely; Measure index geraka our hands five times, not quickly or slowly (Sigar middle). way like no 1 (one) only five times the motion.
like no 1 (one) only five times the motion.
Like when I read in Mad Zaiz Munfasil (مد جائز منفصل) why is said to be allowed but not required because the two harokat, harokat three, four and five harokat harokat. Or Mad Aridissukun (مد عرض السكون)
6. Six Harokat: namely; Measure geraka six times the index finger of our hands, not quickly or slowly (Sigar middle). way like no 1 (one) only six times the motion.
like no 1 (one) only six times the motion.
Like when I read in Mad Mandatory Muttasil (مد وجب متصل) Majib and Lajim said so because I read not less than six harokat, examples جاء
Or in length Mad Lajim Harfi Mukhofaf (مد لازم حرف مخفف), Example: ن, ص, Mad Lajim Kilmi Mukhofaf (مد لازم كلمى مخفف) Example: حم عسق, Mad Lajim Mustaqol Kalimi / Harfi (من لازم مثقل الكلم / الحرف) Example : ولاالضالين in length ض (dho) in the latter should lafadz six مثقل harokat and end in the letters ل (lam)
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